Beauty School: Perfume Edition

1. Here 2. Here 3. Here 4. Here

 I know, I know, perfume? Seriously? Yes, I believe perfume is very important to your overall look. Often you hear of how you should have a signature scent, well I personally have like 20 signature scents hahahahaha.....yikes... Okay but seriously I have always wondered how exactly do you go about finding your signature scent? Here are some simple guidelines.

  1. Gather all the perfumes you own and smell them. (and if you don't own any go to some perfume place like sephora or ulta and bring some paper and a pencil)
  2. Pick out your favorite ones. (write them down, hence the paper and a pencil, or you know your phone)
  3. Go to a scent description website (such as this website )
  4. Check out the key notes in the perfume you like
  5. Find perfumes with similar and decide which you would like to be known for.
A signature scent you want to represent yourself. Like after you break up with a boy and you smell his cologne and it makes you think of him. That's what you really want, not necessarily the whole breaking up thing but just in general. Like Pink Friday by Nicki Minaj makes me think of my best friend, that's her signature scent. 

Oh! but wait I forgot the most important guideline! Have fun! 

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