Spring Capsule Collection pt. 1 + Printable

Hi all! As you all (hopefully) know, I created a capsule makeup collection. I don't really like to use the word collection because, I no longer collect makeup to have - I purchase makeup to use. I thought, though, that I would stick with Capsule Collection as the name of this series because it is an alliteration and that makes me happy :). I mentioned in my last post that I did not separate all of my makeup into each season because, I don't have the room to do that, which I am sure many of you do not either. Initially I just kept a list in a notebook, which you can see in my last post (go check it out if you haven't I go into way more detail about how I started my capsule collection), but as I kept looking at it and using it I decided it was not very practical.

For both of my blogs (this one and www.jennyslifestyle.com) I keep a binder, with all material relevant to each one. So it would only make sense, to me of course, to make a printable of sorts that I could keep in my binder and have access to not only my entire makeup collection, but how it was split up into each season. Which, let me tell you, it has made my life so much easier. You should be excited because I am  releasing my first printable on this blog! Free for all of you!

Each season (aka capsule) has three pages and includes just about everything. The only section I condensed was base products - primer, foundation, concealer, and powder. For now I am going to be releasing each season at the end of the prior season, so for the summer one I will be releasing that one in a few weeks, probably around the 7th of June. But if you all think I should release them all at once, I am totally willing to do that. I can see the pro's and con's of both.

Because I know each of our makeup collections are unique, I made two different versions - one with more lines for bigger collections and one with less lines for smaller collections (just for reference, total I have around 150 items in my makeup stash and I used the one with less lines). Both will be available for download, so you can pick and choose which one will work the best for you and your needs. You could even mix and match the different pages, like if you had more face and eyeshadow palettes than you do blushes, bronzers, and highlighters. That is the beauty of this printables.

Now I am going to take a moment and be obnoxiously proud of what I made.

Smaller Capsule Collection                                         Larger Capsule Collection

Okay, if you would like to see more printables please please please let me know (I mean, I'll probably make them anyway...), I would love to make more! I think they are so fun to make! Also please let me know if you have any issues downloading either of the zip files. Blogger doesn't let you directly upload zip or pdf files, so I had to use a backwards way to get them up.

*Edit* If the links in the post don't work, because for some reason they keep unlinking themselves check the comments I have left the whole link for both down there!


  1. https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BxqW10kh66aIb1luOG5wRUN6SWs

    1. Just in case the intext link doesn't work. The top link is for the larger one and the bottom one is for the smaller one!


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