Candle Hoarders Anon

I hoard candles. Sometimes I forget don't want to burn them because they are so beautiful and smell so beautiful! I recently branched out from the usual Bath and Body Works candles because Target had cheap yummy smelling ones! I picked up two or their scented soy candles, that's the only brand name I could find on them, in Vintage Linen and Sweet Spun Sugar. They both smell awesome but aren't soy candles supposed to burn super amazingly?

I've only been burning one so far, Vintage linen, but it doesn't burn evenly at all which is kind of a bummer :(.
Pardon the wax, it looks really nasty in this picture

 Vintage Linen smells like fabric softener, like how you always want those fresh cotton scents to smell but they never do and the Sweet Spun Sugar smells exactly like cotton candy. What I'm curious about is if the cotton candy one will smell like burnt sugar when it's burning? Haha that smells nasty.

These unfortunately were both just summer scents, they have though since released a bunch of yummy fall scents. I would say if you don't mind uneven wax pick some of these up. They are $5 USD for the smaller ones and $10 USD for the bigger ones. Both of the ones I have a the smaller $5


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